Metagenics SPM Active® Supplement

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Metagenics SPM Active® Supplement

Harvard's award-winning Dr. Charles Serhan isn't just an expert on specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators (SPMs), he is the scientist who actually discovered them. His breakthroughs opened up a brand new field of research and clinical application with immense potential. After all, chronic, unresolved inflammation is a contributor or cause of so many conditions.The growing body of research on the utility of SPMs continues to astound (although when you start to understand the mechanisms, it's perhaps easy to understand some of the "why") - pain, rheumatoid, osteo- and Lyme arthritis, macular degeneration, periodontal disease, uveitis, surgical recovery, and repetitive head injury, for instance, have all been shown to be potentially benefited by the ability of SPMs to promote inflammation resolution. Clinically, I consider SPMs in all conditions where unresolved inflammation is a contributing factor. Not only that, but SPMs appear to have some rather surprising additional effects including stem cell regulation, tissue regeneration, and inhibition of amyloid-beta peptide in Alzheimer's models (even restoring memory loss in mice).I am honored to host Dr. Serhan here on New Frontiers along with his esteemed colleague, Dr. Megan Sulciner. Dr. Sulciner is a clinician-scientist and resident in the Serhan Lab whose exciting work focuses on advancing postoperative outcomes for surgical patients as well as the role of SPMs in enhancing cancer therapy and preventing cancer metastasis.  I’m sure you will love this insightful, tour-de-force conversation!

Benefits of SPM Active

Specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) are molecules our bodies produce naturally in response to damaged tissue due to physical challenges and are a critical component of the body’s natural healing process. Unfortunately, the body may not produce enough SPMs on its own. Diet, lifestyle, excess body fat, and other health challenges can affect SPM production. That’s where our clinically studied SPM Active can help.

SPMs have been known to support individuals experiencing:

Physical discomfort from everyday activities

Physical discomfort from everyday activities

Exercise-related discomfort


Reduced SPM production linked to excess body fat

Reduced SPM production linked to excess body fat*

To address the immune response, we first need to define it.

The human body is equipped with a natural defense called the immune system, which is designed to fight off external threats and damaged tissue caused by these threats and help the body return to homeostasis. Although the immune response is a natural process, it can be harmful to the body if left unresolved.

Defining the immune response
Immune response initiation


In a perfect world, the immune response should resolve itself.

The immune response ideally occurs in two phases: initiation and resolution. When a person experiences a physical challenge, lipid mediators and various other compounds are produced naturally in the body. This is called initiation and is marked by physical discomfort and other physical responses.


But SPM production may be lacking.

During resolution, pro-resolving lipid mediators are produced and help the body to heal and repair itself naturally. Unfortunately, inadequate SPM production can hinder the body’s natural recovery process—leaving the immune response incomplete and unresolved.

SPM production may be lacking
Role of specialized pro-resolving mediators


That’s where SPM Active can help.

While scientists traditionally believed that resolution was a passive process, groundbreaking research has shown that resolution is an active process that’s dependent on adequate SPM status.

Initiation to resolution

SPMs initiation to resolution infographic

Why choose SPM Active?

We were the first.

Through collaboration and research with top-level scientists, we were the first to introduce SPMs to the market in 2015.

We've done our homework.

Over four years, we’ve demonstrated activity of our SPM Active formula and conducted six clinical interventions to discover the potential for SPMs to positively impact human health.

We expand the boundaries of nutritional science

Metagenics invested in the first intervention study with SPM standardized dietary supplement.

SPM Active quality

The role of SPMs in the body

Reprogram immune cells

Reprogram immune cells

SPMs encourage immune cells to be more protective and less likely to amplify the negative effects of an environmental stressor.

Help restore balance

Help restore balance

SPMs are necessary to return to homeostasis after a physical challenge and support overall wellbeing.

Support resilience

Support resilience

SPM resolution activities play a role in the body’s ability to bounce back from environmental challenges.